Endpoint - User Config

This request is used in two scenarios:

  1. During Channel Integration

When a customer uses the integration wizard to connect the courier, Linnworks calls this endpoint to retrieve all availableConfigItemswithisConfigActiveset toFalse.

  • After the user fills in the required details and clicks Next, the UpdateConfigEndpoint is called, followed by another call to this endpoint.
  • To complete the wizard, the second call should returnisConfigActive=True
  1. Loading Dynamic Configurations

When the completed config is loaded, this endpoint retrieves any dynamicConfigItemsrequired to be displayed in the config UI.

The UpdateConfigEndpoint is called at each step of the wizard and when the configuration is saved.




Field NameTypeDescription
AuthorizationTokenStringToken that you generated for this customer.


	"AuthorizationToken": "a8e53e86eead4b69beaa0afcc29b67fb",



Field NameTypeDescription
IsConfigActiveBooleanIdentifies whether the integration profile is in Active mode. Meaning the customer completed the integration wizard and can use the integration
ConfigStatusStringConfiguration stage name. You must provide the same name to the UpdateConfig endpoint
ConfigStageConfigStageConfig stage class. See Endpoint - User Config - ConfigState
WizardStepDescriptionStringDescription of the current wizard step.
IsErrorBooleanIndicates if there is an error
ErrorMessageString / nullError message


Field NameTypeDescription
WizardStepDescriptionStringDescription of the configuration stage
WizardStepTitleStringTitle of the configuration stage
ConfigItemsConfigItem[]List of ConfigItems. See Endpoint - User Config - ConfigItem


Field NameTypeDescription
ConfigItemIdStringUnique name for the config item (MAX 40 chars)
NameStringValue displayed on the user interface (MAX 50 chars)
DescriptionstringTooltip text for the config item (MAX 100 chars)
GroupNameStringConfig item group name. Config item will be rendered on the UI grouped by this value
SortOrderIntegerSort order of the config item. Config items will be rendered on the screen in this order
SelectedValueStringSelected value
RegExValidationString/nullRegEx validation
RegExErrorString/nullError message that will be displayed when RegEx validation fails
MustBeSpecifiedBooleanIdentifies whether the config item must have value specified
ReadOnlyBooleanIdentifies whether the field is read only
ListValuesConfgItemListItem[]List of ConfigItemListItem. The config item ValueType =5 (LIST) can have a list of available values the user can select from the drop down list. See Endpoint - User Config - ConfigListItem
ValueTypeIntegerString = 0,
Integer = 1,
Double = 2,
Boolean = 3,
Password = 4,
List = 5


Field NameTypeDescription
DisplayStringUser friendly visible value.
ValueStringDrop down item value.


  "IsConfigActive": false,
  "ConfigStatus": "StageStatusName",
  "ConfigStage": {
    "WizardStepDescription": "Description of the stage.",
    "WizardStepTitle": "Title of the wizard Stage",
    "ConfigItems": [
        "ConfigItemId": "ITEM1",
        "Name": "Config Item 1",
        "Description": "Description Item 1",
        "GroupName": "Group item",
        "SortOrder": 1,
        "SelectedValue": "",
        "RegExValidation": null,
        "RegExError": null,
        "MustBeSpecified": true,
        "ReadOnly": false,
        "ListValues": [
            "Display": "List Value 1",
            "Value": "1"
        "ValueType": 5
  "IsError": false,
  "ErrorMessage": null