Endpoint - CheckFeed

Endpoint that is called to check status of submitted batch for listing creation, update or deletions.

Endpoint that is called to check status of submitted batch for listing creation, update or deletions.




Field NameTypeDescription
ChannelFeedIdStringOne of the feed ids returned by the developer from the ListingUpdate or ListingDelete call.
AuthorizationTokenStringIs used to determine which customer/channel we are asking regarding.


  "AuthorizationToken": "0dfdbaf3e4d5434f825e774e31bcc148",
  "ChannelFeedId": "123"



Field NameTypeDescription
ProductFeedsProductFeed[]See ProductFeed table. List of products processed with the requested feedid.
IsFeedReadyBooleanLets Linnworks know if the feed has been processed and we know if it has been successful or not.
ErrorStringDefines if there was an error with the request and returns it.


Field NameTypeDescription
MessagesProductMessage[]See ProductMessage table. Any warnings or errors that occurred for the specific sku/listing.
SKUStringThe SKU that was sent in the initial listing update/delete request.
ExternalListingIdStringThe unique listing id on the channel for this product/listing.
TemplateIdIntegerThe Linnworks template id that was sent in the initial listingupdate/delete request
URLStringThe url to view the listed product on the channel from within Linnworks listing tool.
ChannelReferencesChannelReference[]See ChannelReference table. List if it is variation listing, single if it is normal listing.


Field NameTypeDescription
SKUStringSKU that was submitted.
ReferenceStringSame reference that would be returned by the ProductsEndpoint for the listed sku.


Field NameTypeDescription
ProductFeedMessageTypeProductFeedMessageTypeSee ProductFeedMessageType table. Type of the message that was returned after listing update/creation.
MessageStringContent of the message.

ProductFeedMessageType (Flagged Enum)

FlagNumeric ValueDescription
Error1Returned when there was an error during listing update/creation.
Warning2Returned when there were warning during listing update/creation.
Recommendation3Returned when channel returned recommendations during listing update/creation.


  "Error": null,
  "IsFeedReady": true,
  "ProductFeeds": [
      "ChannelReferences": [
          "Reference": "p145-n18-v75",
          "SKU": "XYZ-1"
          "Reference": "p145-n18-v76",
          "SKU": "XYZ-3"
      "ExternalListingId": "1122",
      "Messages": null,
      "SKU": "XYZ",
      "TemplateId": 14,
      "URL": "http://www.mysite.co.uk/tshirt.html"