Manifest Parameters

In order to start creating an external channel integraiton you must first register an account with Linnworks and then log in to and create a Channel Integration app. This will provide you with a default manifest which will require you to fill out the below properties.

ChannelNameUnique name of the channel, no spaces all upper cases.

Must be unique (eg. No channels that are already integrated through native implementations)

This will be used on order download and assigned to the orders as the Source field.
ChannelFriendlyNameName of the channel visible in the app store.
ChannelLogoURLLink to channel logo
Required Size: 57 x 57px
OAuthAuthorizationEndpointEndpoint that is called to get an access token via OAuth, using client credentials flow and passing in the client id and client secret set in the installation
OAuthScopesRequestedSpace delimited list of scopes requested when asking for an OAuth token (optional).
AddNewUserEndpointThis is the first endpoint that will be called when a customer adds the channel on to their account (if OAuth isn't used).
UserConfigEndpointEndpoint used for adding new users. Called when a customer clicks Integrate in the config screen.
SaveConfigEndpointEndpoint used for either saving the user config or on every wizard step.
ShippingTagsEndpointEndpoint which should return a list of Shipping tags and friendly names from the channel. For example if a customer selects "NextDay" on the channel.
PaymentTagsEndpointEndpoint which should return a list of Payment tags and friendly names from the channel. For example if a customer selects "Sage Pay" on the channel.
ConfigDeletedEndpointEndpoint which is called when a customer deletes the integration from Linnworks.
ConfigTestEndpointEndpoint which is called when a customer presses test in the channel config. This should verify if the customer's integration is correct.
OrdersEndpointEndpoint which is called with parameters of PageNumber and UTCTimeFrom and expected to return orders.

It is suggested that using last update date of orders is used.
This call should return Paid and unpaid orders.
DespatchEndpointEndpoint which is called with a list of orders that have been despatched within Linnworks.
CancelEndpointEndpoint which is called with details of an order cancellation within Linnworks.
RefundEndpointEndpoint which is called with details of an order refund within Linnworks.
ProductsEndpointEndpoint which is called with parameters of PageNumber and expected to return a list of products.
InventoryUpdateEndpointEndpoint which is called with a list of inventory changes to be updated on the channel. Note: Linnworks will only send changesand not the whole feed.
PostSaleOptionsEndpoint which is called with details of how to deal with post sale actions, such as refunds & cancellations
PriceUpdateEndpointEndpoint which is called with a list of price changes to be updated on the channel. Note: Linnworks will only send changes and not the whole feed.
InventoryUpdateBatchSizeDefines the number of inventory updates that can be sent at one time.
PriceUpdateBatchSizeDefines the number of price updates that can be sent at one time.
DespatchUpdateBatchSizeDefines the number of despatches will be sent at one time.
IsListingSupportedDefines if external channel supports listing functionality via Linnworks. This needs to be set to True if it is supported and the below endpoints need to be provided then.
GetConfiguratorSettingsEndpointEndpoint which contains settings that are then used to determine the listing screen layout in Linnworks, how Linnworks processes and validates data provided by the customer and which customer settings are required to be filled out by the customer in order to create a successful listing.
GetAttributesByCategoryEndpointEndpoint which returns a list of required and optional attributes. This is used e.g. when configurator attribute window is opened. Request contains selected customer category ids and filled customer settings that can be used to determine the list of attributes to be returned.
GetVariationsByCategoryEndpointEndpoint which returns a list of required variation options. This is used e.g. when configurator variation window is opened. Request contains selected customer category ids and filled customer settings that can be used to determine the list of required variations to be returned.
GetCategoriesEndpointEndpoint which returns a list of categories. This is called e.g. when configurator categories window is first opened, or when categories are refreshed by customer.
ListingUpdateEndpointEndpoint is used when customer selects a list of items to be created or updated.
ListingDeleteEndpointEndpoint is used when customer selects a list of items to be deleted.
CheckFeedEndpointEndpoint that is called to check status of submitted batch for listing creation, update or deletions.