Endpoint - Orders

This call is made by Linnworks automation to get a list of orders since the last time it requested orders. These calls are made every 10 to 15 minutes usually. The request expects a page result back, if there are a lot of orders to return it is suggested to split the result into pages of 100 maximum.




Field NameTypeDescription
AuthorizationTokenStringAuthorization Token from the customers integration.
UTCTimeFromDateTimeUtc date from Linnworks since the last time we had a successful orders request. This may change from Linnworks side if the user want’s to back date the sync. It is suggested that if the channels API has the availability of filtering by the last time the order was updated to use this. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ
PageNumberIntPage number of the request. Starts from 1.


  "AuthorizationToken": "f989a881a6a241d5ab81b4b03f3730f1",
  "UTCTimeFrom": "2023-08-26T09:43:14Z",
  "PageNumber": 1



Field NameTypeDescription
ErrorStringIf there was an error with the request.
HasMorePagesOrder[]Array of orders returned from the call. See Order table


Field NameTypeDescription
BillingAddressAddressBilling Address of the customer.
See Address Table.
DeliveryAddressAddressShipping Address of the customer.
See Address Table.
OrderItemsOrderItem[]Array of order items relating to the order.
See OrderItem Table.
ExtendedPropertyExtendedProperty[]Array of order extended properties relating to the order.
Names should be unique as they are used as a key.
See ExtendedProperty table
NotesNote[]Array of order notes relating to the order.
See Notes table.
SiteStringSite of the order, this is usually used when the channel has one set of credentials however has multiple sites for example UK, DE, US and so on. Leave blank if this is not applicable. This field is used in Postal Service and Payment mapping.
MatchPostalServiceTagStringShipping tag used which is used for order mapping to map the channel shipping tag to the Linnworks shipping service.
MatchPaymentMethodTagStringPayment tag used which is used for order mapping to map the channel payment tag to the Linnworks payment service.
PaymentStatusStringPayment status of the order. Valid values:

PAID - The order will be downloaded as a paid order in Linnworks
UNPAID - The order will be downloaded as an unpaid order in Linnworks
CANCELLED - If the order exists in Linnworks, it will be marked as cancelled. If it doesn't exist in Linnworks, it will be ignored
ChannelBuyerNameStringName of the customer who bought the item. If the channel supports usernames it’s suggested to put the username instead of the actual name of the customer.
ReferenceNumberStringUnique reference of the order. If two orders have the same reference then one will be ignored. This field will be sent back when marking orders as despatched.
ExternalReferenceStringExternal reference is usually the payment gateway transaction id.
CurrencyString3 digit ISO 4217 currency code of the order.
ReceivedDateDateTimeDate the order was created. Where possible normalize to UTC Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ.
DispatchByDateTimeDate the order should be shipped by. Where possible normalize to UTC Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ.
PaidOnDateTimeDate the order was paid. Where possible normalize to UTC Format: ​yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ.
PostalServiceCostDecimalPostal cost of the order including tax.
PostalServiceTaxRateDecimalTax rate used for the postal service.
UseChannelTaxBooleanIf True Linnworks will not overwrite the PostalServiceTaxRate percentage.
DiscountTypeStringDiscount type of the order. Valid values:

AllEvenly - The given discount amount will be split evenly across all items and any applicable postage.
ItemsThenPostage - The discount amount will be split evenly across all items. Any remaining discount will be applied to the postage where applicable.
PostageThenItems - he discount amount will be applied to the postage cost where applicable. Any remaining discount will be split evenly across all items.
DiscountDecimalThe amount of discount.
MarketplaceTaxIdStringMarketplace Tax Id.
BuyerTaxNumberStringTax number of buyer.


Field NameTypeDescription
FullNameStringCustomer Full Name.
CompanyStringCustomer Company.
Address1StringFirst line of address.
Address2StringSecond line of address.
Address3StringThird line of address.
RegionStringArea, County, State or Region.
PostCodeStringPostal / Zip Code.
CountryCodeStringISO 3166-2 Country Code.
PhoneNumberStringCustomer's phone number.
EmailAddressStringEmail Address.


Field NameTypeDescription
TaxCostInclusiveBooleanCustomer Full Name.
UseChannelTaxBooleanCustomer Company.
IsServiceBooleanFirst line of address.
OrderLineNumberStringUnique per order line number.

Any orders with non unique or duplicates will not be saved.
SKUStringSKU of the product (used for Mapping).

Must not be empty.
PricePerUnitStringIndividual price per unit.
QtyStringQuantity ordered
TaxRateStringTax rate of the product.
LinePercentDiscountStringPercentage line discount.
ItemTitleStringTitle of the product.
OptionsOrderItemOption[]Order item options, usually used for customizations.

Name must not exist multiple times as it's used as a key.
See OrderItemOption Table.


Field NameTypeDescription
NameStringUnique per order option Name.
ValueStringOption Value.

Extended Property

Field NameTypeDescription
NameStringUnique per order option Name.
ValueStringProperty value.
TypeStringType of property for example "Shipping", "Tracking Number".


Field NameTypeDescription
NoteStringNote text, duplicates will be ignored.
NoteEntryDateDateTimeDate of the note Format: ​yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ.
NoteUserNameStringUser who entered the note, if left blank Channel will be entered.
IsInternalBooleanIndicates if the note is customer visible. For example if set to True then it will not be printed on an invoice


	"Error": null,
	"HasMorePages": true,
	"Orders": [
			"BillingAddress": {
				"FullName": "Mr Billing Billington",
				"Company": "Linn Systems Ltd",
				"Address1": "2-4 Southgate",
				"Address2": "",
				"Address3": "",
				"Town": "Chichester",
				"Region": "West Sussex",
				"PostCode": "PO19 8DJ",
				"Country": "United Kingdom",
				"CountryCode": "GB",
				"PhoneNumber": "00000000002",
				"EmailAddress": "[email protected]"
			"DeliveryAddress": {
				"FullName": "Mr Testing Testington",
				"Company": "Linn Systems Ltd",
				"Address1": "2-4 Southgate",
				"Address2": "",
				"Address3": "",
				"Town": "Chichester",
				"Region": "West Sussex",
				"PostCode": "PO19 8DJ",
				"Country": "United Kingdom",
				"CountryCode": "GB",
				"PhoneNumber": "00000000001",
				"EmailAddress": "[email protected]"
			"OrderItems": [
					"TaxCostInclusive": true,
					"UseChannelTax": false,
					"IsService": false,
					"OrderLineNumber": "0",
					"SKU": "ChannelProduct_0",
					"PricePerUnit": 0.731495563281465,
					"Qty": 479904921,
					"TaxRate": 20.0,
					"LinePercentDiscount": 0.0,
					"ItemTitle": "Title for MyReference-2ChannelProduct_0",
					"Options": [
							"Name": "Colour",
							"Value": "Red"
			"ExtendedProperties": [
					"Name": "Prop0",
					"Value": "Val0",
					"Type": "Info"
			"Notes": [
					"Note": "A customer has left a note",
					"NoteEntryDate": "2016-08-26T13:28:05Z",
					"NoteUserName": "Channel",
					"IsInternal": false
			"Site": "",
			"MatchPostalServiceTag": "Royal Mail First Class",
			"MatchPaymentMethodTag": "PayPal",
			"PaymentStatus": "PAID",
			"ChannelBuyerName": "A Channel Buyer Name",
			"ReferenceNumber": "MyReference-2",
			"ExternalReference": "MyExternalReference-1",
			"SecondaryReferenceNumber": null,
			"Currency": "GBP",
			"ReceivedDate": "2016-08-26T13:23:05.1678193Z",
			"DispatchBy": "2016-09-05T13:28:05.1678193Z",
			"PaidOn": "2016-08-26T13:19:05.1678193Z",
			"PostalServiceCost": 0.818234497130958,
			"PostalServiceTaxRate": 20.0,
			"UseChannelTax": false